المشاهدات 1٬017
English Blogs يومياتي - Diary

Facing the fact

19 يناير، 2016

It was OK… the room filled with people, all kinds of talk was going on, like if nothing had changed. They started to leave until there was no one except for me and him. He called for someone -anyone- to help him move to the other side. At that particular moment I realized how much I’m denying that he is sick, how much I’m running from facing the fact, how I keep telling myself he is not that sick, he is going to be just fine. I realized,too, that I did not look in his eyes for months now. I had to now. I’m going to be close to him to help him move his legs, hands and body. I was keeping a distance, watching him from far away as if I did not care.

At that moment, I was thinking while I was helping him, “Am I lying if I said, ‘a thousand ideas are running through my mind at the same time.’“ I was looking at his eyes and not looking at the same time. I never thought I was going to face this, I always had this idea that my grandfather and my grandmother will be here forever. Every single thought about my future includes them, they are my main source of strength, they are the only thing that never changes in my ideas about the future, even if I did not say it.

My grandfather is sick. He is more than a grandfather to me, he is the supporting father I always dreamed of, the only man who never disappointed me for once, never asked me to change, was everything I needed when I needed it, was the singer to cheer me up when I was sad, the one who encouraged me to dance when I was standing shy at the room while people were clapping for me. I just looked in his eyes and danced. He was the first man who ever told me that I’m beautiful, the only one who looked at me with tears in his eyes and said you make me look old, you are a grown woman, the only one who told me that my future husband will be lucky to have me, the only one who fed me at the dinner table when no one was even paying attention that I’m too depressed to eat, the first one to love me unconditionally. My existence is enough reason for him to love me, I do not have to do anything. He is the only one who told me: “So what, who cares?!” Instead of “Are you crazy?”  He was the role model of a person who lives his life with simplicity. I remember hearing him say to people : “Life is already complicated, stop making it worse.” He is the only one who never stopped to be who he wanted to be. No matter what I’m doing he stood by my side.

I miss the chocolate milk he used to buy us -his grand kids- every time he went out, no matter how old Im I always get my chocolate milk he never forget me when I asked him once: “Don’t you think Im old for this?” He said “never older then Sedo”.

I never bought the chocolate milk again. It was his thing. I was waiting for him to get better and buy me one, but when I looked into his eyes, I realized that he is sick, and how much I’m scared to lose him and I do not want to be alone. Who is gonna have my back, Sedo?.

المشاهدات 1٬386
التدوينات العربية رفوف المكتبة - Books

طريقك للعمل الحر عبر الإنترنت (مراجعة)

1 يناير، 2016


كتاب: طريقك للعمل الحر عبر الإنترنت
أمير شُرّاب
عدد الصفحات: ٥٤ صفحة

في مقدمة كتابه أوضح المؤلف بأنه لا يريد تقديم وصفة سرية للنجاح، من جهتي أستطيع أن أصفه بأنه يضع النقاط على الحروف ويساعد المبتدئ بترتيب أفكاره. وُفِقَ الكاتب في تتقسيمات الكتاب وشرحه بشكل مختصر ومركز بعيد عن الحشو الزائد والتكرار.
بالنسبة لي وأنا مقبلة على هذا التحول بأن أتوقف عن العمل ككاتبة في الجريدة أو في الشركة التي أعمل بها وأتفرغ للعمل الحرة، لأنني سئمت العمل المكتبي وتنبهت لأمر مهم بأنني لا أنجز أي شيء يذكر في المكتب بل في غرفتي وعلى مكتبي الشخصي، فبيئة المكاتب لا تناسبني أبدا.

هناك مهارات يجب أن تتوافر بالشخص الذي يود العمل بشكل مستقل، هذه المهارات حينما نقرأها بشكل عام نشعر بأنه من السهل إتقانها والعمل وفق متطالباتها، فعلى سبيل المثال حينما نقرأ: مهارات التواصل، كل منّا يعتقد بأنه يمكل هذه المهارة، كوننا سبق وأن عملنا في شركات وحصلنا على وظائف منوّعة، في حين أنه يجب دراستها والقراءة فيها وتقييم أنفسنا بعد أول مشروع حر نقوم به، ففي وظائفنا السابقة نحن لم نكن واقعيا ندير التواصل مع العملاء فهناك شخص متخصص في إدارة كل المفاوضات مع العميل حتى يصل إلينا المشروع ونبدء العمل به، فلنقيس عليها جميع المهارات الأخرى في الكتاب كان الشرح موجزاً يفتح لك أبوابا للبحث والإستزادة، والإطلاع على أبرز المهارات التي يجب العمل على تنميتها.

وأعتقد بأن أهم الفصول التي تطرق لها الكتاب هي التي شرح بها طريقة عمل مواقع العمل الحر وطريقة العرض فيها سواءا للأعمال أو للملفات الشخصية. حقا القارئ العربي المهتم ببداية عمله الحر يحتاج لمثل هذا التأسيس وتبسيط المعلومة.

بالنسبة لي لازالت طريقة تسعير الأعمال وحساب الوقت غير واضحة بالشكل الكافي كونها النقطة التي أجهلها حتى الآن، سبق وعملت بشكل حر في مشروعات تركت لأصحابها تقييم العائد المادي وتقرير الوقت، وبعضها شعرت بأنها تسعيرات غير عادلة، لكن جهلي بطرق التسعير والحساب حال دون إعتراضي بشكل واضح ومنطقي، لذلك أبحث عن كتب أخرى ربما أجد فيها شرحا وافيا لهذا الأمر.

وأخيرا ختام الكتاب بالنماذج لشخصيات ناجحة كانت موفقة. أنصح المقدمين على استخدام منصات الإنترنت للعمل الحر على قراءته.

المشاهدات 1٬510
English Blogs Random thoughts يومياتي - Diary

All about Now

31 ديسمبر، 2015


“Did you ever wonder if the person in the picture is the same one you see when you look in the mirror?“ He laughed. “That’s the eternal question, isn’t it? Are we born who we are, or do we make ourselves that way?”

―Jodi Picoult, Change of Heart

Sometimes life happens in a way that is more difficult to digest and understand right at the moment. Sometimes we can’t understand ourselves. I was trying to write my daily page about my feelings and I found out that I was writing about “the end of 2015” and I realized that I’m always obsessed with all different kinds of moments, but “right now” is not one of them. I’m either planning to do things or thinking about memories. I’m wasting “now”; I’m not trying to live.

There were still 2 weeks left when I started to write about 2016. I always have things I wanna forget. I wanna do things to improve. I’m always running towards something.
But what I found different this time is that I stopped to evaluate myself. I brought a pen and notebook and instead of writing what I want to do, I wrote down what I changed, what I thought about it and I realized how much I grew up – that’s not necessarily a good thing.
I made a lot of mistakes during the last year, as I did during the past 28 years. I said a lot of stupid things, I lied and let go of a lot of great people because I was too cowardly to live my life and I was too naive to admit that.

I realized how much I’ve accepted myself this past year– with all my mistakes, flaws and imperfections. I was always proud of myself, proud of being an Arab Bedouin. Yes, I’m the granddaughter of a woman who was living in a tent. I’m originally from the desert and I’m not afraid to hide that. I learned that the most important thing is that you still need to show “who you are” and that in your hand you are the only one who can shape your life. It’s like your own unique scepter in this life, every one represents no one other than themselves.

Last year I found myself going back to read a lot of my old books for the second time–the ones which amazed me one day, or changed my life or the way I think. Is it me trying to look for myself? Might I find my old self in some lines? or character!? It was something I never thought I would do especially since I have a long list of books “to read”. But it was a great experience that taught me a lot and shows me that reading is the only way to escape reality without being worried about the rules. It’s our own imagination; no one else is invited to judge us, doubt our ideas, criticize us, or compare us to others. It is a world where no one else has any business to ask us “what are you thinking about?” Even when we are reading with a group of people we can still do it our own way. I realize this now, that reading is the only ride I can take to escape my fears.
Hmmm now I’m ready to talk about 2016. I still believe in writing things I want to do. But this year I want to focus on each thing without making any plans or pressuring myself to achieve certain things or reach certain levels. I’m going to as usual read, write, dance and learn a new language. I’m not gonna say more than that. I’ll let myself explore my abilities and the level that I will reach without any promises. I’m just going to try and live NOW.

المشاهدات 945
English Blogs Random thoughts

The Nature of Humanity Good or bad ?

23 نوفمبر، 2015

    Humans are complicated creatures. That’s not my idea; I’ve read it and heard it from many different people and I do agree with it. We carry inside us both good and evil, but which is the stronger force?  I want to believe that the good within us is stronger than the bad, but does history and the world as it is today support this? let’s not go deep or far away like that.

       This subject is taking up a lot of my thoughts lately. I have not found the right answer–well, there are  no right answers, just answers that convince us more than others.  Sometimes people like to close their minds by believing that their idea is correct and the other person is wrong. As for me, I keep thinking about the same ideas until I become sick of them-haha. 

         Of course sometimes it’s better to not think at all, even though that may be the hardest thing to do. But, as I said, we are complicated, so I don’t stop thinking because I feel overwhelmed by the complexity. Instead, I read a lot about it and think: “Hmm, what If I solve this matter that no one has solved before?” Haha.

           Ok, let’s start from the beginning. This idea started bothering me when I was out of work and desperately trying to find something to fill my time with, even stuff I don’t usually like. I started watching a lot of TV shows.  Two shows that made an impact on me were “Revolution” and “The Walking Dead.” I thought: “Oh, are we really like this? Is the monster inside of us stronger than our humanity? Is our humanity just a lie?”, or we just talk about it when we do not have anything els to deal with!, but when it comes to the realty and we are facing the real deal, we go back to the nature of things “surviving” and we become animals?. 

             It shocked me how much people could be monsters, even in their imagination. I  saw 3 seasons of “The Walking Dead”. I broke down crying in one scene where people who were trying to survive passed by a man running and calling for help. They only thought about themselves and didn’t stop to help him. On the way back they saw the remains of his body, the Zombies had eaten him. I never stopped thinking about this scene. Maybe to some people this is just a TV show, but from my point of view it has strong messages that affect our minds. We all know how much power the media has over us. The ideas and violence we see on TV go into our minds until we actually accept them. 

            Basically, these TV shows are saying that the material world of our civilization is connected to our humanity. The message is that as we lose our technology, we lose our humanity. As the seasons progress, and the characters become further removed from civilization, they stop acting human. they forgot who to care about each other, everyone just thinking about surviving even if that means they will kill everyday to survive, they show us that even children could kill. 

          The message sent to young people is that they are nothing without the material civilization. This made me think: “Is it true?” I’m just asking questions. I really have no clear answers. I was thinking about all of this and then I saw the movie “Lucy”, which added more questions for me. What if we invented something–pills or anything else–that would increase our power.  What would happen? Would the good side in us win or the bad side?. And again is our humanity tied to this inventions?.  Continue Reading

المشاهدات 1٬085
English Blogs Random thoughts

I’m a Writer

27 أكتوبر، 2015

Sometimes I forget to be thankful for what I have or what I have accomplished in my career. I always look for perfection, I barely accept anything from myself. It might be good to push yourself sometimes and that is why I could push myself to do as much as possible with the best quality, but on the other hand that causes me to not appreciate the level I reach. Or it stops me from doing work at all because I feel like it is not good enough to send or post.

       I admit that I’m hard on myself and that I do not see what I have and my strengths. It might not be that much for other people who are different than me when it comes to priorities, but I’m thankful that I chose to be a writer and a journalist. I will always be a writer. This is who I am even if I like other careers, but I won’t change that any day.

      I’m going to treat myself differently and focus on what I can do. I’ll give myself a break from the pressure of perfection that I’m always looking for. There is no such thing as perfection, there is only “the best I can do” and “the most quality I can give”.

       I know it’s going to be hard to change my ways after all these years of striving for perfection, but it’s not impossible. I can start from today and continue every single day to try my best. I was thinking a lot and I realize that I love being a writer and journalist. I should say Hamdu le Allah and be thankful for my job.

المشاهدات 1٬095 المشاهدات 1٬510
English Blogs كان يا مكان - Stories


18 يوليو، 2015


    With  big eyes she has this look that makes everyone be careful around her, and sometimes no one talks to her, like an invisible person who walks around the city; without shadow, without scent, without existence.

     No one sees her hiding behind an angry look and a careless face, protecting herself from this world that she prefers to escape. She wants to live in her own inner world, in her books, or inside uncompleted stories that she tries to create.

     Those stories she tried to write once. But her problem with the uncompleted “things” is that she gets attached easily and this makes it impossible to  move on. The same thing happened with the stories. She starts to live the characters more than writing it. She gets attached to everything, she builds a connection. Once she fell in love with a time traveler who forgot which time he was originally in and kept wandering through the time looking for the woman he loved. She thought that she is  the missing lover that he left at some point that he can not remember and she keeps thinking about ways to bring him to her world, or maybe she feels that she is that time traveler! Maybe left herself at one of her books and keeps going back reading the old books looking for herself? Or what about the uncompleted story that had a dancer who lost her ability of doing any dance moves.  Is that related to her own problem when she found herself wandering in the world of words, losing the ability to write?  Maybe she is simply afraid of writing her own destiny by writing sad or unpredictable endings.

      She is trapped in her mind, starting to lose connection with the reality. It crossed her mind to ask: “what is real and what is her imagination?”…

       She always looks for perfection. She  feels like she hasn’t accomplished anything.  This inner world she is trapped in makes her compare herself to an unreal level which does not even exist.

      Always looking at what she did as a starter for everything, for being free of everything. But the question that she keeps asking herself between every single thought is: “What is that big thing she is waiting to accomplish or to have?” She always shakes her head while she mumbles, “I have no clue”.

          She never felt “the moment.” Her sense of time is not there. She never felt it no matter how much she tried. She’s always lost in the idea of “time”.

          Her days pass without reaching anything. She gets use to the idea that shows her how much she is living outside of this world and she will never be something. Her feelings, passion and desire of being alive are starting to vanish.  Since she is living inside her thoughts, she can not accept the reality anymore. Her mind always goes towards “The End” like if it is only another story of hers. The idea of vanishing, being nothing, captures her mind. “What will happen after the end? What will happen to us? They said we change, we become “something else” but that answer never convinced her.

        The person who thinks like her can’t enjoy anything that happens at the moment because the moment for her is “thinking about the future.” She thought of that while she was holding a cup of coffee, thinking “hmm this perfect cup of coffee will finish soon.” Maybe it’s better not to think at all.

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المشاهدات 1٬596
Art English Blogs


5 مايو، 2015


“SECTION 11”, Rashed Alshshai’s solo exhibition in Hafiz Gallery, was one of the most memorable exhibits I have ever attended. I’m not talking about the individual artworks as much as I’m talking about the whole concept–every single piece was a story related to another. It used contemporary artwork to talk about the traditions and ideas that changed in our area.  It forced me to go back and research in order to refresh my memory about the history of societal change in Saudi Arabia.

For example how religious misinterpretation and the way people think take over everything. The whole way of  life changed as a result of it, starting with people’s behavior.  One of the things I was curious about: how to take over peoples’ minds and control them by using religion and the current situations of people. For example, the young men who felt the world had let them down. They lowered their expectations of life and their minds became vulnerable to anything. The idea of “winning” something drove them to choose death instead of working hard to reach their goal.

I remembered a book I read previously that was written by Dr AbdulAziz Al Khider. The book analyzes the changes that happened in the way people think here.   It was one of the best books I have ever read about the societal changes in Saudi Arabia-maybe I will talk about it in another post one day. The exhibit took me back to think about all of this.


The exhibit “Section 11” is like a study and it focuses on education because the artist is a teacher and he tried to make the exhibit like a hypothetical class. The art piece which I spent the most time at was a collection of school notebook pages with drawings of students’ dreams, made when they were still young and innocent. The kids dreamed about achieving something, about helping people, about being doctors, engineers, or scientists. He used a reflection in the mirror to show the changes that happened to them when they grew up and how they changed their definitions of “achievement”. I loved how he tried to use objects from our everyday environment, such as the coffee cup display, to show how traditions can sometimes trap and imprison us.

I went to the exhibit twice because the opening night was crowded. I felt like I wanted to come back in order to spend as much time as possible looking at the artwork. The artist was smart to touch our minds in a way that makes us think, remember, and even imagine. It’s not easy to push people to ask existential questions.

Art is not always about creating beautiful pieces. Sometimes it serves as a message or a reminder. And sometimes it’s something that allows us to encounter ourselves or face our reality. That’s what Rashid did in this exhibit. It was a reminder about facing our past. People are good at looking away from their mistakes and repeating the past. I wonder why the artist chose this subject right now? Is it because of what is happening around us? Is he afraid that history will repeat itself?.

image description

image description

The second day I went back to meet the artist– Rashid. We talked about many things. I was able to see the mind behind all the work revealed. We had a great discussion. I was alone at the exhibit and took another tour through the work. I saw a lot of things I did not see at the opening.

During our little discussion I asked the artist about the message of the art. I asked him, “What is the artwork, is it asking
questions? Or trying to give answers?” He said, “For me, I try to put the person who comes to see my work in a position where he or she will start to ask questions and to think. As an artist, I do not think our job is to fix anything. Rather we put a spotlight on the problems or what we think they are.”

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المشاهدات 983
English Blogs Random thoughts

Dear Friends “Really?”

5 مارس، 2015


Dear friends  …  

          Sometimes people need to talk, just to talk, not to get any advice. Sometimes thinking out loud with another person is way easier than thinking alone. We need to know when someone chooses to show us his her weakness or open up their box of secrets and talk. We need to realize it’s probably very hard for that person. No one wants to look like a loser or a weak person, or to look like someone who another person takes advantage of. But the exhaustion of thinking alone pushes some people to talk with their friends. So you have to be sensitive and know that shutting your mouth is better than saying stupid things.

        Saying something like, “Oh ok, all that you need to do is forget that to move on,” is the most stupid thing you will ever say. It is wrong to ask someone to “forget.” If that person was able to forget, do you think that heshe will ever show you hisher broken heart?

         And who said that forgetting is the solution? We always remember everything we have been through. Whenever you come across something that reminds you of those memories, the pain and hurt will come alive again; it means you have not healed. There is NO “rest in peace” for our experiences, memories and pain. Especially when everyone around us is trying to make us feel bad about our reaction to a bad experience. When we do not cry enough or express our sadness enough, it will remain inside us and hunt us for the rest of our life.

          Everyone should know that it is ok to cry whenever we feel like crying. It is ok to be depressed whenever we need to be. It’s not a big deal to lock yourself inside your room for a while or eat too much and not care about how you look. Do not ever feel bad about looking like shit for awhile. It is natural and part of the solution.

          We have to remember everything, we should remember every single bad memory because moving on is not about forgetting anything. It is about remembering everything and just not caring about it anymore. This will happen when you do what you feel like doing whenever you want to in order to heal from that experience. When you remember what you felt, you will never make the same mistake again–unless you are stupid and never learn from your mistakes-. Remembering will make you avoid any memory attack-that is the hardest part.

          People please do not give anyone advice that happens to jump inside your head while you are listening to some broken person talk. Take a deep breath and swallow your words. Listening is the best thing you can do for a broken hearted person. The most important thing is to make that person know there is someone who cares.

المشاهدات 1٬379
Art English Blogs

The Reader

15 يناير، 2015



What is the meaning of this word “ART”? Yes, it’s a general question. It is Big because there is no right or wrong answer.  Everyone has his or her own idea of art.

I am curious about the details of anything.  I like to ask questions about small details, then I try to find the big answer for everything I need, but I found out that I spend most of my time and energy jumping from one question to another and I found myself thinking and going to my own inner world all the time. I realized this did not work, so I decided that I will go for the big question.  Maybe that will help to calm down my mind and focus on one thing.

Art is our own way of living and dealing with life, things. Some of us are lucky to have been born creative and have done beautiful and original things. But others just repeat what everyone else did. Not everyone knows how to be himself or herself and not anyone else and that is what we call “NORMAL”. Everyone can look at it from her own point of view.

I asked a question to a French artist, Vincent Floquet, who I met last week, when I attend his exhibit in Jeddah.  I told him I want to ask you about the art itself.  He opened his eyes, touched his glasses and said. “Oh, the Art itself.” I asked him this question without explaining what is going on in my mind.  There was no time to explain, he was busy, but when he opened his eyes I knew that he understood that it’s a huge thing to talk about.  Well, maybe we only talk about a tiny part of it, but i told Vincent Floquet that I’m always curious about what the artist feels or thinks about when they paint.  I look at the painting and try to figure out what the artist felt when he painted it. Usually I feel something. I do not say that I have a super power and I know for sure it’s just what I like to do when I see a painting that I love: I build a connection, then I try to see behind the colors and the lines.

الفنان الفرنسي فينسا فلوكية بجانب لوجة القارئة تصوير مشاعل العمري

The Artist with “The Reader” painting

Mr.Floquet told me that he paints when he feels like he is full of something.  And he said: “I try to put what I saw in my many travels into my paintings and the art for me is speaking about something.  That is why I do not paint a lot because I do not have a lot to say.”

In Mr.Floquet’s paintings I saw a lot of faces. I was curious about this. I’m still thinking about these faces which were hidden in the paintings. It was like I was standing with a thousand eyes looking at me. But no one was there except me and my friend. It was as if everyone the artist had met in his life was there hidden in his paintings.

I saw a lot of great paintings in other Art exhibits before. Some of them I could not afford or the painting was already sold.  And sometimes I feel like I’m not ready yet. But it was special day for me because I met the painting that I could not pass by without buying it. I ignored this strange feeling I had when I feel like I’m not ready this time with a painting titled “the Reader”. The day after the exhibit, I called Mr. Ahmad Huseen and told him I wanted this painting. I remember when they put a red label that announced that this painting was “SOLD.” I had a strange dream that same day, it was full of red dots and I felt worried like if I’m about to have my first baby. I woke up asking myself, “where am I gonna put it? Or should I hide it?”, but what is the point of buying something pretty if I can’t see it every day or let other people see it? It was a lot of pressure I did not expect. But I’m willing to go through this for “The Reader.” I think  I will take a good care of this painting, as it is my first Art purchase.

I have to say that everyone who visits the exhibit will take a trip visiting the places the artist visited before. Everyone will start in France, then Italy, New York, Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia, Africa, and then finally Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, and then end the trip on Hail Street. The painting of this street was spectacular and was one of my favorites. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford it. Lol.

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